Understanding the value of the Accelerated Model 

Read sample output from engagements with Accelerated

Examples of our work

The redacted sample outputs below are examples of the richness of insights gained via our model.

Efficiency and Effectiveness: Banking remediation best practices

  • Benchmarking banking customer fee remediation programs, including the adoption of technology and AI to improve project outcomes

  • 10 interviews conducted over 4 weeks with executives and subject matter experts at major banks across UK, USA and Canada

  • The interviews and research report was led by a financial services executive, with over 20 years experience in major banks in Australia and a further 10+ years working as a strategic advisor and business partner in strategy consulting and other advisory firms

Growth: Due diligence support

  • US courier market insight development and risk assessment support for series B investment decision. The in-depth research focused on building a comprehensive understanding of market trends, COVID-related impacts, margins and key success criteria for market entry

  • 15 interviews conducted across 3 weeks spanning potential customers and competitors

  • Project delivered by hybrid team comprising two experienced Collaboration Partners who conducted the interviews and oversaw secondary research, with specialist logistics expertise provided by an ex-consultant with 15 years working for a global transport provider

Efficiency and Effectiveness: Grocery quality best practices

  • Developing deep insights into the quality metrics, performance monitoring and improvement initiatives across the private label businesses of leading grocery retailers

  • 7 interviews of people working in senior roles in supply chain management, supplier management, food technology and quality assurance at leading grocers including Sainbury’s, Loblaws and Walmart

  • The project was led by one of our most senior Collaboration Partners with deep grocery and digital subject matter expertise